April 2020 Issue
Top stories in this newsletter:
Webinar – State and Professional Autonomy: Conflicting Rights and Obligations in the State-Profession Relationship
Recent papers on medical ethics and law
Rationing of medical resources amid COVID-19
March 2020 Issue
Top stories in this newsletter:
English court recognised duty owed by a hospital trust to the daughter of its patient in respect of genetic information [ABC v St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust and others [2020] EWHC 455 (QB)]
Rationing ventilators and hospital resources during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ethics in the COVID-19 crisis: perspectives from a clinical ethicist
February 2020 Issue
Top stories in this newsletter:
Managing the property and affairs of persons without mental capacity
Test for the diagnosis of death challenged in UK court
Ethical concerns over a lottery-style free drug programme to give away potentially life-saving gene therapy
January 2020 Issue
Top stories in this newsletter:
Hong Kong revised list of notifiable diseases amid the novel coronavirus outbreak
Chinese scientist, who claimed he created the world’s first “gene-edited” babies, jailed for three years
Woman who suffered an eye injury during a Hong Kong protest lost court challenge against police’s refusal to produce warrant for her medical records
Is it ethical to quarantine Chinese cities?
December 2019 Issue
Master of Laws in Medical Ethics and Law
Dismissal of appeal by Hong Kong doctor who did not notice from medical records nurses’ wrongful management
Vague understanding of end-of-life care services in Hong Kong
More research to be done into women’s health problems
November Issue 2019
Journal article on compulsory mental health treatment co-authored by CMEL’s Deputy Director
Events on medical and healthcare AI postponed
Father whose ex forged his signature to use frozen embryos lost claim
Inquiry into Google’s patient data deal in the United States
October Issue 2019
Top stories in this newsletter:
Upcoming lecture and conference on AI in medicine and healthcare
Hong Kong Court clarifies the law of gross negligence manslaughter
CMEL’s Deputy Director shares her view on the legal definition of mental incapacity amid advance directive consultation in Hong Kong
Genome sequencing and personalised medicine
September Issue 2019
Top stories in this newsletter:
Hong Kong Government’s consultation on proposals regarding advance directives and dying in place
Woman who suffered an eye injury during a Hong Kong protest challenges the
police’s refusal to provide a copy of the warrant for her medical records
How the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act protects against genetic discrimination in the United States
Impact of Japan’s deregulation of regenerative medicine
August Issue 2019
Top stories in this newsletter:
Parental order concerning surrogate children granted by the Hong Kong court after considering issues such as delay and breach of the law
US court ordered pharmaceutical giant to pay US$572 million in landmark opioid case
July Issue 2019
Top stories in this newsletter:
Part 2 of the Q & As on issues about doctor-patient confidentiality
Proposals of a Hong Kong law reform sub-committee for a new offence relating to abuse and lawmaker’s call to require doctors to report abuse
June Issue 2019
Top stories in this newsletter:
Q & As on issues about doctor-patient confidentiality raised by the arrest of alleged extradition bill protestors in Hong Kong hospitals
Research suggests that the gene-editing experiment of He Jiankui might have increased the subject babies’ risk of premature death
May Issue 2019
Top stories in this newsletter:
New book: Eastern and Western Perspectives on Surrogacy
New abortion bans in the States and their implications for the landmark abortion ruling
Hong Kong Medical Council decided to exempt non-locally trained specialist doctors
seeking a full registration from the internship requirement
April Issue 2019
Top stories in this newsletter:
English court held that prior court approval is not necessarily required before clini-
cally assisted nutrition and hydration can be withdrawn from a patient with a pro-
longed disorder of consciousness
Hong Kong’s first-ever government facility for keeping foetuses miscarried before 24
gestational weeks commissioned
March Issue 2019
Calls for a central registry of human genome editing research and a global moratorium
Hong Kong government launched a trust service for the parents, siblings and relatives of persons with special needs
Opt-out organ donation bill passed into law in England
February Issue 2019
Launch of the revamped CMEL website
Artificial intelligence in medicine – Hong Kong Hospital Authority’s plan, CMEL’s seminar on 14 March 2019 and more
January 2019 Issue
New Case Briefing: Singapore court allows gay man’s application to adopt biological son conceived through surrogate mother …
December 2018 Issue
Top stories in this newsletter:
The online application portal for the September 2019 intake of the Master of Laws in Medical Ethics and Law programme of the University of Hong Kong is now open. Applications will close on 28 February 2019 …
November Issue 2018
Top stories in this newsletter:
Conference – “Who Owns Your Body? – Beyond The Physical”