Bioethical Reflections on COVID-19

Bioethical Reflections on COVID-19


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  • 2023

A Lonely death during a pandemic

by Zohar Lederman
in Pulse–voices from the heart of medicine

  • Journal Article
  • 2023

How Do COVID-19 Vaccine Policies Affect the Young Working Class in the Philippines?

co-authored by Olivia M. Y. Ngan
in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

  • Journal Article
  • 2022

Covid-19 in the occupied palestinian territory and Israel’s duty to vaccinate

co-authored by Zohar Lederman
in Journal of Jewish Ethics

  • Journal Article
  • 2022

Loneliness at the Age of COVID-19

by Zohar Lederman
in Journal of Medical Ethics

  • Journal Article
  • 2022

The international pandemic preparedness treaty and an emerging digital divide

co-authored by Calvin W. L. Ho
in AsiaGlobal Online

  • Media
  • 2022

Mainland China’s development of COVID vaccines

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Financial Times
Title: “China rushes to develop an mRNA vaccine as doubts grow over local jabs”

  • Media
  • 2022

Control of the COVID pandemic in Mainland China

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Financial Times
Title: “‘People are scared’: Xi’an residents struggle to find food and medical help”

  • Consultation
  • 2022

Consultation regarding mandatory COVID-19 vaccination

Calvin W. L. Ho was consulted by the HKBU FactCheck Service in its fact-checking regarding mandatory COVID-19 vaccination

  • Media
  • 2022

Views on vaccination against COVID-19 in Mainland China

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: WIRED
Title: “The End Game of China’s Zero-Covid Policy Nightmare”

  • Media
  • 2022

Whether lawful to vaccinate persons lacking mental capacity without consent from the guardians

Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: Ming Pao
Title: “Uncertain whether COVID vaccination is urgent under the Mental Health Ordinance given the lack of definition of urgency” (《精神健康例無定義「緊急」 學者:打針算否未確定》)[Chinese]

  • Journal Article
  • 2022

The natural law ethics of public health lockdowns

by Eric C. Ip
in Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy

  • Policy Report
  • 2022

COVID-19 and mandatory vaccination: Ethical considerations

contributing author: Calvin W. L. Ho
in Policy Report of the World Health Organization

  • Journal Article
  • 2022

Reproductive Health Deemed “Non-Essential” During COVID-19: A Neglected Health Vulnerability

lead co-author: Olivia M. Y. Ngan
in Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health

  • Media
  • 2022

Legal ramifications should lockdown be imposed in Hong Kong

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: South China Morning Post
Title: “‘It has to be reasonable’: As Hong Kong weighs coronavirus testing lockdown, experts consider legal implications”

  • Blog Essay
  • 2021

COVID-19 exceptionalism and the ‘new normal’ of authoritarian governance

co-authored by Eric C. Ip
in Administrative Law in the Common Law

  • Media
  • 2021

From Hong Kong to Australia, how much death and sickness lie ahead as vaccination rates max out?

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: South China Morning Post

  • Media
  • 2021

Youth vaccination arrangements and vaccine donation

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Sing Tao Daily
Title: “Experts urged to speak to students of alma mater to ease their concerns” (《釋除師弟妹疑慮 專家返母校解說》) [Chinese]

  • Media
  • 2021

Setting targets of vaccination rates hoping to return to pre-pandemic life

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: South China Morning Post
Title: “How can Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong return to pre-pandemic life? Vaccines, timetables, and targets”

  • Media
  • 2021

Ethical implications of offering incentives and rewards for vaccination

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: South China Morning Post
Title: “Hong Kong vaccine perks: Giveaways for coronavirus jabs are nice, but reluctant residents prefer assurance, facts, paid days off”

  • Others
  • 2021

Artificial intelligence in healthcare and COVID-19 prevention poses challenges to privacy in Taiwan

Interviewed: Chih-hsing Ho
Medium: Academia Sinica’s popular science website (研之有物)
Title: “Artificial intelligence in healthcare and COVID-19 prevention poses challenges to privacy” (《AI 助陣醫學、防疫,個人隱私難兩全?》)[Chinese]

  • Media
  • 2021

Application process for Hong Kong’s COVID-19 vaccine indemnity fund

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Now News
Title: “Applicant who suffered facial paralysis after BioNTech inoculation dissatisfied with the lack of transparency of the application process for the indemnity fund” (《接種復必泰後面癱 申請人不滿疫苗保障基金欠透明》) [Chinese]

  • Media
  • 2021

Monitoring of vaccine bubble for effectiveness and harms

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: HK01
Title: “Ethicists suggest sunset clause for vaccine bubble in view of restrictions otherwise imposed on freedoms” (《疫苗氣泡︱倫理學者倡措施設日落條款 否則等同限制市民自由》) [Chinese]

  • Media
  • 2021

Pressure to get vaccinated given restrictions on visits to public hospitals for the unvaccinated

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Ming Pao
Title: “Those who hope to visit hospitalised loved ones worry about the consequences of being forced to get vaccinated. Prolonged hospitalisation of brother with half-dead brain cells; Query: Who will take care of them if vaccination goes wrong?” (《盼探殘疾至親 怕逼打針出事 弟腦細胞半死長住院 同路人嘆「有事誰照顧他們?」》) [Chinese]

  • Media
  • 2021

Differential treatments for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium:  Ming Pao
Title: “Difficult to implement; expert says the offering of privileges for the vaccinated should not be a long-term measure” (《執行難 專家:接種者不可能長享好處》) [Chinese]

  • Media
  • 2021

Differential treatments in the workplace for the vaccinated and the un vaccinated

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium:  Ming Pao
Title: “Mahjong parlour fights to resume business, requiring employees to provide medical proof if they don’t want to get vaccinated. Equal Opportunities Commission says “reasonably necessary ” measures are not against the law, while HKCTU argues it is certainly unfair” (《雀館爭復業 員工不想打疫苗須醫生證明 平機會稱「合理地需要」不違法 工盟:肯定不公》) [Chinese]

  • Media
  • 2021

Compensation for employees affected by the vaccination bubble

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: HK01
Title: “Ethics scholar suggests option to replace vaccination with testing for workers affected by the vaccine bubble” (《疫苗氣泡︱倫理學者:工作屬基本人權 不打針者應准檢測取代》) [Chinese]

  • Webinar
  • 2021

Recording of book talk: “Covid-19 in Asia – law and policy contexts” (Oxford, 2020)

Discussants: Including Calvin W. L. Ho and Daisy Cheung, co-authors of the chapter “Hong Kong: The healthcare professions and the outbreak”

  • Media
  • 2021

Views on the proposal of a vaccine pass system for Hong Kong

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Radio Television Hong Kong
Programme “Talkabout”

  • Book Chapter
  • 2021

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People’s Republic of China: Legal response to Covid-19

co-authored by Eric C. Ip
in The Oxford Compendium of National Legal Responses to Covid-19 (Oxford University Press)

  • Media
  • 2021

China’s rollout to vaccinate target populations

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Guardian
Title:  “New year, new outbreak: China rushes to vaccinate 50 million as holiday looms”

  • Correspondence
  • 2021

Placebo use and unblinding in COVID-19 vaccine trials: Recommendations of a WHO Expert Working Group

co-authored by Calvin W. L. Ho
in Nature Medicine

  • Media
  • 2021

Views on the proposal of a vaccine pass system for Hong Kong (Chinese)

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Radio Television Hong Kong
Programme “Open Line Open View” (starting from 37:42)

  • Media
  • 2021

Impact of Hong Kong’s “vaccine bubble” on unvaccinated employees

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: South China Morning Post
Title: “Coronavirus: no jab, no job, and no fun? Some in Hong Kong cry foul over perceived vaccine discrimination”

  • Media
  • 2021

Return to normality despite continuing COVID-19 concerns

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: South China Morning Post
Title: “How many deaths are acceptable in ‘zero- COVID-19’ economies? From Australia to Hong Kong, that’s the tough question”

  • Blog Post
  • 2021

Courts, proportionality and COVID-19 lockdowns

by Eric C. Ip
in IACL-AIDC Blog, International Association of Constitutional Law

  • Blog Post
  • 2020

What are the obligations of the state? A public mental health ethics perspective on the Covid-19 lockdowns

authors: Daisy Cheung & Eric C. Ip
in Journal of Medical Ethics (JME) Blog

  • Media
  • 2020

COVID-19 mobile apps for contact tracing and mass surveillance

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: University World News
Title:  “COVID-19 apps – Are there enough ethical safeguards?”

  • Journal Article
  • 2020

COVID-19 emergency measures and the impending authoritarian pandemic

co-author: Eric C. Ip
in Journal of Law and the Biosciences

  • Presentation
  • 2020

Mass surveillance & privacy

by Calvin W. L. Ho
in “Bioethics and COVID-19” webinar

  • Media
  • 2020

Rationing intensive-care resources amid COVID-19

Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: Ming Pao
Title:  “Who should be saved when ICU capacity is outstripped by demand?” (《ICU爆滿 救邊個先?》) [Chinese] & “Putting in place guidelines for healthcare workers will reduce their litigation risk” (《知多啲:及早制訂指引 免醫護承擔法律風險》)[Chinese]

  • Journal Article
  • 2020

Inequities, vulnerabilities and ethics in the time of COVID-19: Diverse perspectives from the APRU global health program

co-authored by Calvin W. L. Ho
in Journal of Global Health Science

  • Journal Article
  • 2020

Heralding the digitalization of life in post-pandemic East Asian societies

co-authored by Calvin W. L. Ho
in Journal of Bioethical Inquiry

  • Journal Article
  • 2020

Preparing for the coming transnational cancer crisis amid the COVID-19 pandemic

co-authored by Eric C. Ip
in Cancer Causes & Control

  • Presentation
  • 2020

Public law responses to COVID-19: Lessons (or cautions) from Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong

by Calvin W. L. Ho and Daisy Cheung
in “Public law responses to COVID-19: Lessons (or cautions) from Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong” Webinar

  • Journal Article
  • 2020

COVID-19 lockdowns: A public mental health ethics perspective

by Daisy Cheung & Eric C. Ip
in Asian Bioethics Review

  • Presentation
  • 2020

Fast-tracking digitalization in East Asia

by Calvin W. L. Ho
in “Ethics & COVID-19 webinar series: Regional perspectives – East Asia” webinar

  • Conference Report
  • 2020

Philip Beh spoke on the “Collateral Damage of COVID-19” in the 7th Annual Catholic Bioethics Conference

by Justin Y. C. Wong (CMEL’s Research Assistant)

  • Journal Article
  • 2020

Immunity certification for COVID-19: Ethical considerations

co-authored by Calvin W. L. Ho
in Bulletin of the World Health Organization

  • Correspondence
  • 2020

Solutions to COVID-19 data sharing

co-authored by Calvin W. L. Ho
in The Lancet Digital Health

  • Media
  • 2020

Regulatory and safety concerns over vaccines

Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Financial Times
Title:  “Anxiety clouds China’s rush to vaccinate parts of the world”

  • Book Chapter
  • 2020

Hong Kong: The healthcare professions and the outbreak

by Calvin W. L. Ho & Daisy Cheung
in Covid-19 in Asia (Oxford University Press)

  • Presentation
  • 2020

Social distance, social response: Solutions and strategies for coping with COVID-19

by Daisy Cheung & Eric C. Ip
in “Social distance, social response: Solutions and strategies for coping with COVID-19” Webinar

  • Journal Article
  • 2020

COVID-19 emergency measures are hurting democracy globally

co-authored by Eric C. Ip
in American Journal of Public Health

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