Video recording on Aug 22 Morning Session – Social Listening (Click here for full screen view):

Video recording on Aug 22 Afternoon Session – Social Listening & Ethics & Human Rights (Click here for full screen view):

Video recording on Aug 23 Afternoon Session – Social Listening & Vaccination (Click here for full screen view):

Video recording on Aug 23 Evening Session – Social Listening & Infodemic Management (Click here for full screen view):

PowerPoint Slides of Prof Dimitra Lingri, “Human Rights and Infodemic Management”: Click here

Video recording on Aug 24 Final Session – Social Listening and Justice (Click here for full screen view):

(Scroll down to see the Chinese version 請往下拉以閱讀中文版)

Program Booklet (会议手册): 
English Version: Click
中文版: 按此

English Poster: click here
Chinese poster: click here (中文海報: 請按此)

*Interpretation in English & Mandarin will be available on 22 and 23 Aug (將於8月22及23日提供英語及普通話同聲傳譯).

In collaboration with the Law & Technology Centre (Faculty of Law and Department of Computer Science) and supported by the Medical Ethics & Humanities Unit (Faculty of Medicine), the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law is delighted to present an international conference that seeks to examine:

(1)       The modalities of social listening (SL) applied in response to an infodemic and to ongoing health threats (e.g. antimicrobial resistance);
(2)       The ways in which SL can be used to identify mis-, dis- and mal-information, and the public health interventions that may be applied;
(3)       The ethical and legal basis of SL and ensuing public health interventions; and
(4)       Oversight (if any) that may be required in response to (3), and ethical and/or legal safeguards that should be introduced.

An infodemic is an overabundance of information, including misinformation and disinformation, that surges during a public health emergency. Harmful information may also be generated at a local level and beyond, and can lead to individuals, professions and communities being stigmatized and unfairly discriminated against. At its core, SL is the process of gathering information about people’s questions, concerns, and circulating narratives and misinformation about health from online and offline data sources, and may be technologically enhanced by Big Data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, among others. However, the collection and use of this data presents ethical and legal challenges, such as privacy and consent, and may not engender trust. Some of these concerns have been highlighted in the Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights & Public Health Emergencies, recently published by the Global Health Law Consortium and the International Commission of Jurists. This conference considers the ways in which these Principles and Guidelines could apply to SL and associated public health interventions, as well as their relationship with ethics frameworks developed under the auspices of the World Health Organization.

Key Themes:
Social Listening;
Social Listening & Ethics & Human Rights;
Social Listening & Vaccination;
Social Listening & Infodemic Management;
Social Listening and Justice

Prof Calvin W.L. Ho &
Prof Gilberto K.K. Leung
Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, Faculties of Law & Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Marcelo Thompson &
Prof Felix Chan
Law & Technology Centre, Department of Computer Science & Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong

“Social Listening”
Day 1 Morning Session
22 Aug (Tue) 09:30-12:45 (HKT)

Prof Larry Catá Backer W. Richard and Mary Eshelman Faculty Scholar; Professor of Law and International Affairs Penn State University
Dr Theresa M. Senft Macquarie University, Australia
Dr Federico Germani Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Zurich
Dr Giovanni Spitale Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Zurich

“Social Listening & Ethics & Human Rights”
Day 1 Afternoon Session
22 Aug (Tue) 14:00-18:15 (HKT)

Prof Marina Joubert Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology, Stellenbosch University
Prof Keymanthri Moodley Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, Stellenbosch University
Dr Hannah Kim Yonsei University
Prof Susan Bull University of Oxford & University of Auckland
Prof Roojin Habibi Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Prof Lisa Forman Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Dr Jayson S. Lamchek Deakin University Law School and the Australian Government’s Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre

“Social Listening & Vaccination”
Day 2 Afternoon Session
23 Aug (Wed) 13:30-17:45 (HKT)

Prof George F. Gao Chinese Academy of Sciences
Prof Yanlin Cao Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
Dr David Scales Division of Hospital Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine
Prof Joseph Ali Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University
Dr Isabella Ballalai Brazilian Immunization Society, Brazil
Prof Márcia Freitas A.C. Camargo Cancer Centre, Brazil
Dr Marcelo Thompson Law & Technology Centre, Department of Computer Science & Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong

“Social Listening & Infodemic Management”

Day 2 Evening Session
23 Aug (Wed) 18:45-21:30 (HKT)
*(Law Society CPD & CME being applied for)

Dr Sandra Varaidzo Machiri Department of Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness & Prevention, World Health Organization
Dr Andreas Reis Health Ethics & Governance Unit, Research for Health Department, World Health Organization
Prof Dimitra Lingri European Healthcare Fraud & Corruption Network & Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Prof Kevin Tan Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
Dr Cherstyn Hurley Health Security Agency, United Kingdom

“Social Listening and Justice”
Day 3 Morning Session
24 Aug (Thu) 09:00-13:30 (HKT)

Prof Calvin W.L. Ho Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, The University of Hong Kong
Dr Karel Caals Centre for Biomedical Ethics, YLL School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Ms Michelle Charlotte Liu University of Ottawa
Dr Mary Chambers Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford
Mr Thanh Hải Đoàn Bioethics Centre, University of Otago
Dr Deepshikha Batheja One Health Trust, Bengaluru, India
Mr Harry Sufehmi MAFINDO, Indonesia

Centre for Medical Ethics and Law (CMEL), The University of Hong Kong
Law & Technology Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Supporting Organisation:
Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit, The University of Hong Kong

Law Society of Hong Kong Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Accreditation:
1.5 points (Course No. 20232977)

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Accreditation:
Please Click Here

Objective of the 23 Aug evening session:
The public symposium of the conference seeks to examine:
(1) The modalities of social listening (SL) applied in response to an infodemic;
(2) The ways in which SL can be used to identify mis-, dis- and mal-information, and the public health interventions that may be applied;
(3) The ethical and legal basis / implications of SL and ensuing public health interventions; and
(4) Oversight (if any) that may be required in response to (3), and ethical and/or legal safeguards that should be introduced.

Coverage of the 23 Aug evening session:
In collaboration with the Law & Technology Centre (Faculty of Law and Department of Computer Science) and supported by the Medical Ethics & Humanities Unit (Faculty of Medicine), Centre for Medical Ethics and Law is delighted to present this evening session of its international conference on “Governance of Social Listening and Infodemic Management” that seeks to examine the ethical and legal basis / implications of SL in response to an infodemic. An infodemic is an overabundance of information, including misinformation and disinformation, that surges during a public health emergency. Harmful information may also be generated at a local level and beyond, and can lead to individuals, professions and communities being stigmatized and unfairly discriminated against. As people and communities tend to seek, generate and act on information more intensively during such an emergency, it is important that public health responses and strategies are evidence-based, engaging, reliable and trust promoting. The session will provide an overview of an ongoing initiative by the World Health Organization to develop an ethics guidance document on SL and infodemic management, along with key human rights considerations and related legal and policy developments in other common law jurisdictions like Singapore and the United Kingdom.

Learning Outcomes of the 23 Aug evening session:
After the session, participants will be able to:
• Identify some of the key modalities of SL that may be applied in response to an infodemic;
• Broadly explain how SL may be used to identify mis-, dis- and mal-information;
• Identify some of the key ethical and legal basis / implications of SL and ensuing public health interventions; and
• Explain oversight that may be required in response to (3) and its limitations.

Target Audience:
Legal professionals, healthcare professionals and anyone who is interested

Elementary (no prior knowledge or experience required)

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8月22日(二) — 8月24日(四)
香港大學鄭裕彤教學樓11樓 或 Zoom

*英語及普通話同聲傳譯: 僅限8月22及23日
香港律師會持續專業進修(CPD)及持續醫學進修(CME)學分: 已就8月23日晚場申請

(1) 針對「信息流行病」以及持續的健康威脅(例如抗微生物藥物耐藥性)所用「社交監聽」 (又稱「社群聆聽」)的應用模式;
(2) 如何利用「社交監聽」識別錯誤資訊、虛假資訊及惡意資訊,以及可適用之公共衞生介入措施;
(4) 可能需要對(3)所作出的監察(如有)及應有的倫理及/或法律保障。

信息流行病」指公共衞生緊急事件時遽增的信息泛濫情況,其中包括錯誤及虛假資訊的傳播。有害資訊也可於本地或其他層面產生,並令個人、職業、以及社群被冠上負面標簽及受到不公平的歧視。簡而言之,「社交監聽」指從網上及離線信息來源收集資訊的過程,其收集的資訊包括人們的疑問、顧慮、流傳的敘述以及有關健康議題的錯誤資訊。大數據分析、機器學習及人工智能等科技可能有助於提升「社交監聽」。然而,收集及使用這種資料帶來倫理及法律上的挑戰(例如有關隱私及同意的問題),也可能不獲大眾信賴。國際衞生法聯盟 (Global Health Law Consortium) 與國際法律家委員會 (International Commission of Jurists) 近日出版的《有關人權及公共衞生危機的原則及指引》 (Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights & Public Health Emergencies) 一文中也有論及部分上述的議題。是次會議的與會者將討論如何將這些原則指引應用於「社交監聽」及其相關公共衞生介入措施,也會探討它們與世界衞生組織倫理原則框架的關係。

社交監聽 及 倫理與人權;
社交監聽 及 疫苗接種;
社交監聽 及「信息流行病」;
社交監聽 及 公義



Marcelo Thompson博士及陳偉漢教授

第一日 上午時段
8月22日(二) 09:30-12:45 (香港時間)
白轲教授 賓夕法尼亞州立大學
Theresa M. Senft博士 麥考瑞大學
Federico Germani博士 蘇黎世大學
Giovanni Spitale博士 蘇黎世大學

「社交監聽 及 倫理與人權」
第一日 下午時段
8月22日(二) 14:00-18:15 (香港時間)
Marina Joubert教授 斯泰倫博斯大學
Keymanthri Moodley教授 斯泰倫博斯大學
Hannah Kim博士 延世大學
Susan Bull教授 牛津大學及奧克蘭大學
Roojin Habibi教授 渥太華大學
Lisa Forman教授 多倫多大學
Jayson S. Lamchek博士 澳洲迪肯大學

「社交監聽 及 疫苗接種」
第二 日 下午時段
8月23日(三) 13:30-17:45 (香港時間)
高福教授 中國科學院
曹艷林教授 中國醫學科學院北京協和醫學院
David Scales博士 威爾康奈爾醫學院
Joseph Ali教授 約翰霍普金斯大學
Isabella Ballalai博士 巴西免疫學會
Márcia Araújo Sabino de Freitas教授 巴西聖保羅的癌症治療中心
Marcelo Thompson博士 香港大學

『社交監聽 及「信息流行病」管理』
第二日 晚上時段
8月23日(三) 18:45-21:30 (香港時間)
Sandra Varaidzo Machiri博士 世界衞生組織
Andreas Reis博士 世界衞生組織
Dimitra Lingri教授 塞薩洛尼基亞里士多德大學
Kevin Tan教授 新加坡國立大學
Cherstyn Hurley博士 英國衞生安全局

「公義 及 社交監聽」
第三日 上午時段
8月24日(四) 09:00-13:30 (香港時間)
何維倫教授 香港大學
Karel Caals博士 新加坡國立大學
Michelle Charlotte Liu女士 渥太華大學
Mary Chambers博士 牛津大學
Thanh Hải Đoàn先生 奥塔哥大学
Deepshikha Batheja博士 全健康信托 (One Health Trust)
Harry Sufehmi先生 印尼事實查核組織

香港大學醫學倫理與法律研究中心 (CMEL)


8月23日晚場的 目標:
(1) 為應對「信息流行病」而作出的「社交監聽」 的應用模式;
(2) 如何利用「社交監聽」識別錯誤資訊、虛假資訊及惡意資訊,以及可適用之公共衞生介入措施;
(4) 可能需要對(3)所作出的監察(如有)及應引入的倫理及/或法律保障。

8月23日晚場的 覆蓋範圍:

8月23日晚場的 學習成果:
• 掌握可用於應對「信息流行病」的一些「社交監聽」關鍵模式;
• 概括地解釋可如何應用「社交監聽」 於識別錯誤、虛假和惡意信息;
• 掌握「社交監聽」和隨後的公共衞生干預措施的一些關鍵倫理和法律依據/影響;及
• 解釋針對 (3) 及其局限性可能需要的監督。

1.5學分 (編號: 20232977)



初級 (不需已有相關知識或經驗)

如欲訂閱有關 醫療法律/倫理 及 本中心活動 等的電子郵件 和 電子雙月通訊,請往按第二個橫額)填寫表格。

  • 會議
  • 2023年 8月 22日 上午 9:30 - 下午 6:15
  • 2023年 8月 23日 下午 1:30 - 下午 9:30
  • 2023年 8月 24日 上午 9:00 - 下午 1:30

11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU (or Zoom)

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