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  • Book
  • 2024

The law and regulation of public health: Global perspectives on Hong Kong

by Eric C. Ip
Publisher: Routledge New York

Prof Eric C. Ip has published the first book-length scholarly treatment of public health law in Hong Kong. This timely book inquires into the foundational principles of a form of public health law that takes seriously the inherent dignity of the human person. Written from a multidisciplinary perspective, this illuminating study makes the case that the rule of law, just as much as population health, is an essential determinant of human well-being.

Choosing the case of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, where life expectancy is among the highest in the world, yet whose well-established rule of law tradition is oft perceived to be under strain, in describing the central dilemmas of public health law, it makes an original contribution to our knowledge of comparative public health law and public health ethics. This book lucidly urges professionals of public health and law to reflect on how the myriad legal instruments and legal institutions should best be used to promote and protect public health in ways that are at once ethical and lawful. Situating Hong Kong’s public health law in the context of global health, The Law and Regulation of Public Health should appeal across the world to students and scholars of public health, medical law, public law, comparative law, and international law. It accessibly explains the law to epidemiologists and public health policymakers, and public health to jurists and legal practitioners.

全球健康的法律和倫理涉及範圍廣泛的問題,包括得以全球健康的權利、獲得基本醫療服務的人權、各國及協調後國際對全球健康危害(包括新發現的感染、流行病、抗菌素耐藥性(Antimicrobial resistance (AMR))、成癮和藥物濫用)的反應以及管理、對危險行為(包括性病、藥物濫用與成癮)的社會法律管理和應對,以及與健康相關的跨國或涉及國際組織的研究。我們的學者透過他們的研究以及知識交流、政策或服務的崗位,積極地探討上述以及其他關於全球健康法律和倫理的問題。


  • 2022


共同研究員: 何維倫
資助: 英國國家學術院

  • Journal Article
  • 2020

《環球精神健康安全: 刻不容緩》

載於《JAMA 美國醫學會雜誌 衞生論壇》

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