Abstract: Challenge Trials – a type of research study where people give consent to being exposed to a serious infectious disease so that researchers can better understand that disease – have actually been taking place for decades. And in their current form, they are not particularly controversial. They have been used to learn better ways to treat and prevent major diseases that still kill millions of people, such as malaria, cholera and influenza (the flu). This presentation will discuss the...
Medical & Surgical Decisions in Critically Ill Patients: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Challenging Ethical Issues
Programme Rundown: 8:00-8:30AM Registration 8:30-8:45AM Welcome and Introductions 8:45-9:15AM “Futility in Contemporary Medical Care” Peter Angelos, MD, PhD 9:15-9:45AM “Use of Advanced Neuro-technologies in Managing Patients with Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness” Gilberto Leung, MD, PhD 9:45-10:15AM “Ethical Issues in the Treatment of a Common Condition in Hospitalized Patients” Micah Prochaska, MD 10:15-10:45AM Coffee/Tea Break...
WYNG-HATTON Lecture 2024: Artificial Intelligence Policy as a Contact Sport: Why Bioethics and Governance Need to up Their Game in the Health Sector (Hosted by CMEL’s Collaborator, PHG Foundation)
Video recording (click here to watch on YouTube) Abstract: The proposed uses of AI in the health sector have elicited reactions from hope to handwringing to hype. In response, governments, NGOs, professional organizations, and the standards community have been busy developing guidelines, frameworks, principles, and other oversight tools with the laudable intention of crafting responsible governance policy for AI in health. Yet with so many players and documents in circulation, it is not...
"知情同意:澄清Montgomery一案後談論“合理替代治療”的謹慎責任 " 作者:梁嘉傑 載於《香港醫學雜誌》
(Co-organised) Lunchtime Seminar: Bioethics, Multiculturalism and Religions Workshops: Lessons from the Past 15 Years
Lunchtime Seminar Title: Bioethics, Multiculturalism and Religions workshops: Lessons from the past 15 years Co-organisers: Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit, HKUMed Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, HKU Abstract: This seminar explores the need for and place of input from local cultures and religious traditions when addressing the highly complex questions that frequently arise in the field of bioethics, something that is often overlooked and even questioned in much of the relevant academic...
(Co-organised) Lunchtime Seminar: Healthcare Harm, Artificial Apologies and Robotic Redress
Lunchtime Seminar Title: Healthcare Harm, Artificial Apologies and Robotic Redress Co-organisers: Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit, HKUMed Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, HKU Abstract: Healthcare harm is a global public health problem, causing physical, emotional and financial harm for patients, families, clinicians and health systems. Explaining and accounting for harm may be provided through a variety of legal mechanisms and redress models. Apologies are an important part of this...