Society is changing rapidly and medical practice is not immune. The Law has historically allowed a particular reverence, and even indulgence, to Doctors and surgeons. The so called “Bolam test”, by which in law the standard of medical care is set, can make the medical profession effectively judge in its own cause when error is alleged, a privilege which provides special and almost unique protection in clinical negligence claims. Now the Bolam principle is under attack as never before. In James Badenoch Q.C.’s case of Montgomery v. Lanarkshire Health Board the UK Supreme Court has removed Bolam from the issue of adequacy of disclosure for patient consent, and the onslaught will not end there. In this lecture he will address the future in law of the Physician’s duty of care. What will become of Bolam?


James Badenoch, QC (MA Oxford) took silk in 1989, and was lead Counsel for the successful plaintiff in the Montgomery case. He has specialised for over 35 years in clinical negligence, medical law and medical disciplinary cases. He has appeared in a succession of major cases in the House of Lords, the UK Supreme Court, the Privy Council, the GMC and the GDC, and also in the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong. He has been a Deputy High Court Judge, a Recorder of the Crown Court, and a President of the Mental Health Review Tribunal. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine.

Location map:

Theatre 3, LG1

Click HERE

  • 公開演講
  • 2016年 11月 7日 下午 6:30 - 下午 7:30

Theatre 3, LG1/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, Main Campus, HKU (venue changed due to overwhelming response)

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