
7 Aug, 2023
Difficult to have Conditional Discharge orders revoked | Some patient who was subject to the order for 23 years unsuccessfully applied for release while some had their appeal dismissed 4 times [Chinese]
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: The Collective
Title: “Difficult to have Conditional Discharge orders revoked | Some patient who was subject to the order for 23 years unsuccessfully applied for release while some had their appeal dismissed 4 times” (《有條件釋放令|撤令難 最長持令 23 年申撤銷不獲批 有病人四度上訴失敗》) [Chinese]
- #mentalhealth&capacity

5 Aug, 2023
Will psychedelic treatments become legitimate mental health therapies? [Chinese]
By Alex Gearin
Medium: Oriental Daily News
Title: “Will psychedelic treatments become legitimate mental health therapies?” (《醫健寶庫:迷幻藥物治療會否成合法精神健康治療?》) [Chinese]

28 Jul, 2023
Conditional Discharge Order | Hong Kong government looking into the option of compulsorily detaining voluntarily admitted patients with a violent disposition and scholar expressing concern that the new conditions of release proposed may result in encroachment on human rights [Chinese]
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: The Collective
Title: “Conditional Discharge Order | Hong Kong government looking into the option of compulsorily detaining voluntarily admitted patients with a violent disposition and scholar expressing concern that the new conditions of release proposed may result in encroachment on human rights” (《港府研強制羈留自願入院者有暴力傾向人士 學者批新增釋放條件侵人權》) [Chinese]
- #mentalhealth&capacity

28 Jul, 2023
Authorities mull over proposal to subject voluntarily admitted patients with a violent disposition to the Conditional Discharge regime with Health Bureau hoping to change the guidelines within this year while a member of the consultation committee believes that the discussion is beside the point [Chinese]
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: Ming Pao
Title: “Authorities mull over proposal to subject voluntarily admitted patients with a violent disposition to the Conditional Discharge regime with Health Bureau hoping to change the guidelines within this year while a member of the consultation committee believes that the discussion is beside the point” (《暴力傾向自願入院者 研納有條件釋放 醫衛局冀年內修指引 有諮委會成員質疑討論失焦》) [Chinese]
- #mentalhealth&capacity

28 Jul, 2023
On average those who have successfully applied for release had been subject to the order for 7.5 [Chinese]
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: Ming Pao
Title: “On average those who have successfully applied for release had been subject to the order for 7.5 years | Health Bureau mulling over proposal to introduce an automatic review mechanism under which there will be a review at least once every 2 years” (《申撤釋放令獲批者 平均已遵令7.5年 醫衛局擬增自動檢視機制 最長兩年一覆核》) [Chinese]
- #mentalhealth&capacity

28 Jul, 2023
Expansion and tightening of the conditional discharge regime [Chinese]
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: HK01
“Discussion on expansion and tightening of the Conditional Discharge regime: a scholar doubted efficacy while a doctor believes that there is a positive impact on the treatment of patients” [Chinese]
(《有條件釋放|收緊或擴闊明討論 學者質疑成效 醫生指助病人治療》)
(Clarification note: Daisy Cheung was misquoted in saying the following: “如病人未達至要強制入院或病情較輕,應考慮無條件釋放其出院”. Her view is that the current regime should not be further tightened without a holistic consideration of the rationale for the system and whether sufficient safeguards are in place. This and several other points of clarification will be included in the Jul-Aug newsletter.)
- #mentalhealth&capacity

28 Jul, 2023
“Living in perpetual fear: why discharged psychiatric patients in Hong Kong walk on eggshells and say the system of letting them out needs to be reformed”
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: South China Morning Post
(Clarification note: It is stated in the news article that Daisy Cheung believes that the opinion of social workers should be considered when imposing a Conditional Discharge Order. It should be clarified that this should refer more broadly to any professional that deals with mental health, as long as s/he is not a physician, like the Approved Mental Health Professional in the UK. Further discussion on these points will be included in the Jul-Aug newsletter.)
- #mentalhealth&capacity

28 Jul, 2023
Proposal to expand the Conditional Discharge regime to cover patients who were voluntarily admitted but have a history of (criminal) violence or a disposition of criminal violence [Chinese]
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: Radio Television Hong Kong
Programme: “Openline Openview” (“自由風自由PHONE”)
Title: “Proposal to expand the Conditional Discharge regime to cover patients who were voluntarily admitted but have a history of (criminal) violence or a disposition of criminal violence” (《有條件釋放令擬擴展至自願入院有暴力行為或刑事暴力傾向精神病人》) [Chinese]
- #mentalhealth&capacity

15 Jul, 2023
Living together through lonely times [Chinese]
By Zohar Lederman
Medium: Oriental Daily News
Title: “Living together through lonely times” (《醫健寶庫:共度孤獨時光》) [Chinese]

19 Jun, 2023
Hong Kong considers introducing Community Treatment Orders (CTO) for mental health patients [Chinese]
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: Ming Pao
Title: “Hong Kong considering community treatment orders (CTO) for mental health patients: Not yet proved to be effective in other places according to scholar” (《研引社區治療令 學者:外地未見效》) [Chinese]
- #mentalhealth&capacity

22 May, 2023
HK legislative proposal on Advance Medical Directives
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: Radio Television Hong Kong
Programme: “Backchat” (31:15-42:35 of the “Rights of Critically Ill Patients” recording)
- #advancedirectives
- #autonomy
- #mentalhealth&capacity

18 May, 2023
“Putting trust at the heart of higher education”
By Carl Hildebrand
Medium: Times Higher Education

14 May, 2023
“Distance between medical errors and criminalisation” [Chinese]
Interviewed: Gilberto Leung
Medium: Now News
Title :“Distance between medical errors and criminalisation” (《失誤與刑事的距離》) [Chinese version]
- #criminallaw
- #grossnegligence
- #malpractice
- #manslaughter
- #negligence

9 Feb, 2023
“To address dire doctor shortage, South Korea proposes less medical malpractice punishment”
Interviewed: Minsung Kim (then CMEL’s Postdoctoral Fellow)
Medium: Time
- #criminallaw
- #malpractice
- #negligence

6 Feb, 2023
“Coronavirus: Hong Kong leader says no to probe of government’s pandemic response, so how will city learn from missteps?”
Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: South China Morning Post
- #COVID-19

5 Feb, 2023
“Seminar on medical manslaughter co-organised by HKAM and HKU: Concerns of doctors about criminal liability not yet resolved” [Chinese]
Title in Chinese: 《醫專港大研討醫療誤殺 醫生:未釋業界刑責疑慮》
Medium: Ming Pao
Seminar event page: click here
- #criminallaw
- #grossnegligence
- #manslaughter
- #negligence

17 Jan, 2023
Liability of doctors
Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Radio Television Hong Kong
Programme: Blackchat (11:38-15:40 and 22:39-24:20 of the “Part 1” recording)
- #criminallaw
- #grossnegligence
- #manslaughter
- #negligence