
25 Jan, 2021
“Framework for the governance of personal data for the access to COVID-19 tools accelerator”
Calvin W. L. Ho is a contributor
- #COVID-19

15 Jan, 2021
China’s rollout to vaccinate target populations
Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Guardian
Title: “New year, new outbreak: China rushes to vaccinate 50 million as holiday looms”
- #COVID-19

20 Dec, 2020
Regulatory and safety concerns over vaccines
Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: Financial Times
Title: “Anxiety clouds China’s rush to vaccinate parts of the world”
- #COVID-19

18 Dec, 2020
Policy brief of the World Health Organization: “Emergency use designation of COVID-19 candidate vaccines: Ethical considerations for current and future COVID-19 placebo-controlled vaccine trials and trial unblinding”
Calvin W. L. Ho is a contributor
World Health Organization
- #COVID-19

28 Oct, 2020
Grant from ETH Zurich and the State Secretariat for Education, research and innovation to explore if the PubliCo platform for the study of COVID-19-related public perception is transferable to selected Asian contexts
Co-Investigator: Calvin W. L. Ho
- #COVID-19

20 Sep, 2020
Philip Beh spoke on the “Collateral damage of COVID-19” in the 7th Annual Catholic Bioethics Conference
Justin Y. C. Wong (CMEL’s Research Assistant)
- #COVID-19

15 Sep, 2020
“Fast-tracking digitalization in East Asia”
by Calvin W. L. Ho
in “Ethics & COVID-19 webinar series: regional perspectives – East Asia” webinar
- #COVID-19

4 Jul, 2020
COVID-19 mobile apps for contact tracing and mass surveillance
Interviewed: Calvin W. L. Ho
Medium: University World News
Title: “COVID-19 apps – Are there enough ethical safeguards?”
- #COVID-19

25 Jun, 2020
“Magistrates must improve approach to mental disability in the courtroom”
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: Hong Kong Free Press
- #mentalhealth&capacity

25 Jun, 2020
“Magistrates must improve approach to mental disability in the courtroom” (《法庭必須改善對於精神障礙的態度與處理方法》)
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: CitizenNews
- #mentalhealth&capacity

20 May, 2020
“Mass surveillance & privacy”
by Calvin W. L. Ho
in “Bioethics and COVID-19” webinar
- #COVID-19

15 May, 2020
“Public law responses to COVID-19: Lessons (or cautions) from Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong”
by Calvin W. L. Ho and Daisy Cheung
in “Public law responses to COVID-19: Lessons (or cautions) from Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong” webinar
- #COVID-19

13 May, 2020
“Social distance, social response: Solutions and strategies for coping with COVID-19”
by Daisy Cheung & Eric C. Ip
in “Public law responses to COVID-19: Lessons (or cautions) from Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong” webinar
- #COVID-19

6 May, 2020
“What are the obligations of the state? A public mental health ethics perspective on the Covid-19 lockdowns”
Blog: Journal of Medical Ethics (JME) Blog
Authors: Daisy Cheung & Eric C. Ip
- #mentalhealth&capacity

30 Apr, 2020
“Compulsory mental health treatment and the way forward”
Magazine: Hong Kong Lawyer
Co-author: Daisy Cheung
- #mentalhealth&capacity

20 Apr, 2020
Rationing intensive-care resources amid COVID-19
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: Ming Pao
Title: “Who should be saved when ICU capacity is outstripped by demand?” (《ICU爆滿 救邊個先?》) [Chinese] & “Putting in place guidelines for healthcare workers will reduce their litigation risk” (《知多啲:及早制訂指引 免醫護承擔法律風險》)[Chinese]
- #COVID-19

13 Oct, 2019
Statutory definition of mental incapacity in Hong Kong
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: South China Morning Post
Title: “Choices for the terminally ill: Define clearly who is mentally fit to decide end-of-life treatments, says former Hong Kong minister”
- #mentalhealth&capacity

15 Sep, 2017
Reform for compulsory mental health admission in Hong Kong
Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: Ming Pao
Title: “Legal scholar calls for reform of the system for compulsory mental health admission for better protection of patients’ interests” (《法律學者倡改強制入院制 增保障精神病者》) [Chinese]
- #mentalhealth&capacity