

Expansion and tightening of the conditional discharge regime [Chinese]


Interviewed: Daisy Cheung
Medium: HK01
Title: “Discussion on expansion and tightening of the Conditional Discharge regime: a scholar doubted efficacy while a doctor believes that there is a positive impact on the treatment of patients” [Chinese]
(《有條件釋放|收緊或擴闊明討論 學者質疑成效 醫生指助病人治療》)
(Clarification note: Daisy Cheung was misquoted in saying the following: “如病人未達至要強制入院或病情較輕,應考慮無條件釋放其出院”. Her view is that the current regime should not be further tightened without a holistic consideration of the rationale for the system and whether sufficient safeguards are in place. This and several other points of clarification will be included in the Jul-Aug newsletter.)

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