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Dr. Chih-hsing HO

Research Fellow (present) & Research Officer (From 28 Jan 2013 to 17 April 2014), Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, The University of Hong Kong
Associate Research Fellow/ Associate Professor, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Associate Research Fellow, Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (Joint appointment)

Chih-hsing (PhD, London School of Economics) is an Associate Professor/ Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of European and American Studies and the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (joint appointment), Academia Sinica, Taiwan. She leads research and interdisciplinary collaborations on the governance of genomics and newly emerging technologies, such as biobanks, big data and artificial intelligence (AI). She has been appointed to the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Biobank Ethics and Governance Council and the Review Board for Biobank Accreditation. She has also been appointed as a Member at the Health Insurance Data Access Committee, and the Consultation and Review Board at the Biobank Consortium of Taiwan. Her works appear in many renowned international journals, such as Nature Genetics, BMC Medical Ethics, Frontiers in Genetics, Computer Law & Security Review, Medical Law International, the Journal of Law, Information and Science and Asian Bioethics Review. Since 2016, she has served as review editor for the Editorial Board of ELSI in Science and Genetics- Frontiers.



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