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Craig Purshouse教授

Craig Purshouse教授是香港大學法律學院副教授,及香港大學醫學倫理與法律研究中心的研究人員。他的研究興趣在於醫療法和民事侵權行為,並發表了眾多有關醫療法的議題的文章,包括同意、生殖疏忽、轉化療法、兒童醫療、自主權保護和代孕等。




1. Message from CMEL Co-Director Prof Eric C. Ip 2. Letter to the Editor • "Existing and Emerging Capabilities in the Governance of Medical AI" 3. Journal Articles • "How the EU AI Act Seeks to Establish an Epistemic Environment of Trust" • "Championing Planetary Health: Cancer Nurses Paving the Path to a Vibrant Future" • "Digital Humans to Combat Loneliness and Social Isolation: Ethics Concerns and Policy Recommendations" •  Reply to “Colonial and Neocolonial Barriers to Companion Digital...

The Ethics and Regulation of Challenge Trials: The Ethics of Exposing People to Serious Diseases for Research Purposes

Abstract: Challenge Trials – a type of research study where people give consent to being exposed to a serious infectious disease so that researchers can better understand that disease – have actually been taking place for decades. And in their current form, they are not particularly controversial. They have been used to learn better ways to treat and prevent major diseases that still kill millions of people, such as malaria, cholera and influenza (the flu). This presentation will discuss the...

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